
Job Opening: Google Beijing Research

Job Title

Senior Research Scientist

Job Description

Google Beijing Research is looking for two highly motivated senior scientists to research and develop distributed machine learning algorithms for Web-scale applications such as search relevance, classification, recommendations, advertisement, and user research. Beijing Research has been collaborating with scientists and research interns from top universities world-wide including MIT, UC, Tsinghua, PKU, and etc. The position will be at Google Beijing office, which is located at Tsinghua Science Park. Among several, a couple OpenSource algorithms developed by Beijing Research are available at:

· Parallel SVMs (PSVM);

· Parallel LDA (PLDA)


1. PhD in Compute Science, Mathematics, Statistics, or related areas with 3-5 years experience.

2. Strong publication track record at top refereed conferences.

3. Strong motivation to work with large-scale real-life data mining applications in team environment.
4. Perseverance, focus, integrity, ability to make things done, leadership in organization and partnership and communication with teams in the US.
5. Proven knowledge in Machine Learning, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, Numeric Analysis, and/or Optimization.

